Thursday, October 27, 2011

Letters I'll Never Send and Other Interesting Ideas

I have this website I love. Mostly because, who in their life hasn't wished they could say to someone, but just kept their mouths shut? I know I have! Here you can find thousands of letters people have anonymously written to people, expressing how they feel without having to face the person! It seems like a win/win to me! There are the good, the bad, and the ugly, and one for every occasion. Check it out!

Another site I have been rather enjoying is Now, I spend WAY too much time on here, but I figure I am being inspired and invoking creativity that I otherwise would not have. Its chucked full of crafty ideas, recipes, photos, and anything else imaginable. A word of caution, if you have not already joined, do so carefully, as your life will never be the same!
A few other sites worth checking out in your free time, or in my case, avoiding homework time!

And a great facebook group called "Seen @ BYU"

Tuesday, April 5, 2011


Apparently I have actually been having a life! Well not really... but I have been extra busy it seems! Work at the beginning of February was ridiculously crazy... then came the every dreaded Valentines day. Busiest day I have even witnessed. I've never been much of a fan of the day anyways, but working just made it a bit more un-liked! 

I would have pictures of all my recent happenings... but my camera was dead... and I lost my card adapter for my phone! So until I have found that... you get my random blurbs of words that really don't belong together! The rest of February pretty much entailed a impromptu trip to Ohio with my mom, to go see Steph, Lon, and my  babies (who really aren't babies anymore.) I am very grateful that my fathers granddaughters have him wrapped around their little fingers, all it took to get me out to Ohio was a little phone call from Eden to grandpa!

February and March also found me right in the middle of Jimmer fever! While I still don't really know whats going on all the time, I can honestly say I watched many more games this season than I ever have watched in my life. Emily and I attended a send-off for our basketball players before they left for the Mountain West Conference, and well... lets just say my Ipad is worth significantly more now with signatures from a few players! (insert picture of Emily and I with Brandon Davies) I still am lacking Jimmers signature... but I am bound and determined to get it within the next 2 weeks!
March was full of crazy fun, and tons of homework. I have decided it's much more fun to get good grades, but it is also a significant amount more work. I have clocked in about 65 hours in the library the past month or so! But... it has actually been paying off! Compare that to a lot of students and its nothing, but it is a lot for me! 

March also entailed... getting another boot placed on my car! Tanece is always with me when this happens... I should probably make her start paying for them! We also had fun when Tanece's cousin came down to Provo for the weekend and we hit up a movie or two, played Wii till the wee hours of the morning, broke my coffee table, enjoyed some ridiculously good (and free!) music and got some free (not to mention AWESOME) mustache t-shirts. 

Last but certainly not last... Festival of Colors! The annual tradition! BYU's unofficial spring break. I had to work that afternoon till 4, but I convinced Tanece and Emily they could come to work with me, and then we could go. Of course... as the day went on, the colder and colder (and snowier) it got. But we stuck it out regardless, and it was well worth it!
 Believe it or not... this was actually before!
 Yes... I know its a picture of my bum. BUT... it looked way cooler than the rest of me. The picture doesn't do it justice.
 Mmm.. such clean feet!

Festival of Colors is always a success... even if your body is frozen solid and the inside of your car is colored green and pink.

Since we are now in April... I will cover part of that too. Just in case I don't get back to blogging in a while :P Tanecey and I went home for Conference weekend, and the ride home got... well rather entertaining.
Exhibit A
 I am notorious for meeting people on the freeway... and Tanece wanted to give it a shot. She didn't have quite the luck I have had.

 Sad that no one will wave at her.
 Frightened by what she is doing to my laffy taffy...
And a creeper mustache and beard!
2 weeks left and I'm moving home!


So much for updating once a month... oh well!

Steph tagged me is a dealy, so here it is!

Four places I go:
1. Work
2. School
3. Costco
4. These days... crazy.

Four favorite smells:
1.Fabric Softener
2. Rubber Glue
3. Hair Dye (as long as its not blonde)
4. Anything Gardenia

Four favorite TV shoes:
1. Pretty Little Liars
2. Lost
3. Grey's Anatomy
4. Glee

Four recommendations:
1.Don't mix hair dyes, you will end up looking like a Disney Princess.
2. Don't think you can get away with not doing homework in college. 
3. Don't lie... unless you are really good at it!
4. Don't forget who your real friends are, they are the ones that will always be there for you.

I tag... Emily! Tanecey! and... well no one else really reads it!

This One Is For Cole...

This song will always remind me of the younger years of my dear little brother... Enjoy!

Get a playlist! Standalone player Get Ringtones

Friday, January 7, 2011

It's Been A While...

So here are a few pictures from the last... year! Hopefully this year I'll be a little bit better at keeping up on it!

 Finger puppets at book store sales!
 Awesome bruises with unknown origins!
 Mom's pedicure that needed to be dremeled off...
 Giving Libby a bath.
 Moving home for the summer! And couldn't have been happier about it!
 Emily was a little sad though...
 Fun at the cemetery with Dallen and Lexi (she was cold!)
 Katie and Randy's wedding in April (2 days before finals... thanks Katherine!)
 Recapturing the yard!
 As well as the septic tank...
 Helping Jenna get ready for Prom!
 So pretty!

 On our way to Festival of Colors! (Can't wait for it again this year!)
 Coolest thing ever!

 Playmill trip!
 Then of course four-wheeling to follow!
 Best Friends!

 And a visit to Jenna's boyfriend.
 Last slumber party as single cousins!
 Shopping with Emily!
 Good times in the truck with Jenna!

 Hollywood video offering free children!
And Dad having fun with the electrical system...
Well off to a new year! One with better grades, better friendships, and some awesome goals!