Sunday, January 17, 2010

More... More.. More

I hate how blogger organizes things... thats why this is all jumbled...
Eden playing with one of the coolest cats I know... I think I need to do a post/ode to Wimby...
Annie and I are so freaking pumped for Eclipse to come out...
This is the new hobby I am getting pretty good at... peeling the metaly part of the gum wrapper off of the wax papery part and doing it in as few a pieces as possible. Hey... I need something to do in long meetings... thank you Eric for showing me how to waste my time more efficiently.
Apparently Stephanie is a vampire... or my phone just takes really freaky pictures in the car wash...
This doesnt even begin to show how many cakebites have been dipped at The Sweet Tooth Fairy in the past month. Right before Christmas there were so many orders for 1000's of cake bites. Stephanie Wilber and I spent one night at work till almost 2 dipping these bad boys... things got a little entertaing... videos to come...

1 comment:

  1. I think it's funny you have to specify which of the several Stephanie's you are referring to...
