Saturday, January 30, 2010

Why I Love College....

Probably one of the cutest girls I know right here....

So as much as I love my red hair...

I was thinking I wanted a change. It's still red... just strawberry blonder. Next time I'm thinking of going extra blonde... just to change it up.

Oh how I love my Eden girl. We have kindred spirits, right down to our matching boots.

I've got this girl trained well as to the correct way one shows off her awesome pink boots! And yes... she did this herself!

Nothing like walking out of your apartment to find this... only in Provo...


  1. I am loving the shirt you have on in the pre-strawberry blonde picture. When can I have it?

  2. It actually a jacket... and I love it! For now anyways... i'm sure at some point it will end up being yours!
