Sunday, January 17, 2010

Well... it's been a while :D

So per request of my favorite sister... alas I am updating the blog... and its going to be super random and long, but I've warned you!

So In November I had my 19th birthday, and how did I celebrate? Yes... by going to work and to school! But I got this freaking sweet candy bouquet from my mom and dad from my aunts floral shop she works at! Yes... everyone at work was jealous!
And Britt even made me a happy birthday cookie at work! I felt loved! And then when I got done with work, I headed back to the apartment where I was greeted with the carpet cleaners (which is an awesome birthday gift if you ask me) So I took a nap while they were doing their thing, and when I woke up Stephanie, Jacob, Eric, and I headed to Cafe Rio for dinner (I was super ticket at Emily for not coming.) But when we were done with dinner everyone headed back to our apartment where Emily had been waiting, as well as most of my FHE group, to surprise me with cake and ice cream. It was super sweet and then I wasnt mad at Emily anymore :D So it was a pretty good birthday all around!
I also got to spend some time with my favorite boys. I love how when I come home, from college, I choose to babysit, and that their parents rarely go out unless I can babysit. Some of the funniest boys I have ever met in my life!
Speaking of funny boys... the poor girls who live below us. We are kind of noisy on occasion (or alot) but after FHE one evening, all the boys came over for treats and thought it would be an awesome idea to sychronize their stomping so that it made a loud a noise as possible. All while holding lava cake and ice cream in their bowls... Oh you have to love Family Home Evening!
Thanksgiving... It was one awesome week! My dear cousin Katherine got engaged, as well as my cousin Mercedes (who is a year younger than me), making me the oldest non-married girl in the whole extended family. I feel like such a Ruth :D But I'm totally okay with that, I'm in no hurry! But I'm excited for their weddings!

Of course Annie and I had to play with Eden's Mrs. Potato Head stuff... she got bored of it in about 10 minutes, but Annie and I played with them the whole week!

Our couch at school has this amazing power over people... You can sit on it for more that about 15 mintues and not fall asleep. Its not even that good of a couch... but this is Luke sleeping on it, he wanted to watch something on TV but we all had things to do, so he sat and watched it, and when it got quiet in there we decided to check on him and make sure he was alive... he was, just asleep.

A trip to temple square... only at BYU do you get extra credit for attending temple square. And I love it!

Emily and I at the last BYU home game I was able to attend... it was an... interesting game to say the least. And we lost terribly... and it was snowing/raining... and I'd spent all afternoon getting ready...

1 comment:

  1. You still look great. I can't tell at all it was raining!
